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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Graduation Requirements

To earn a degree from Reinhardt University, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 120 semester credits with an overall cumulative grade-point average (from all college-level courses) of 2.0 or higher for the baccalaureate degree OR completion of a minimum of 60 semester credits with an overall cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or higher for the associate degree.
  2. For the baccalaureate degree, at least 32 of the last 45 semester hours prior to graduation (including 15 upper level credits in the major) must be taken at Reinhardt OR for the associate degree, completion at Reinhardt of the last 20 semester credits immediately preceding graduation.
  3. Satisfaction of general education requirements and major field requirements.
  4. Completion of ENG 101 (Composition) and either ENG 102, ENG 103, COM 103, or SCI 103 with a grade of C or better.
  5. Demonstration of basic computer competency as defined by respective major.
  6. Attainment of a grade of C or better in all courses required for the major.
  7. Submission of an application for graduation to the Office of the Registrar by the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar.
  8. Satisfaction of all financial and other obligations to the University and payment of a graduation fee.
  9. Participation in assessments of competencies gained and of curricular effectiveness by completing standardized tests and surveys. All graduates are required to complete the ETS Proficiency Profile Test.
  10. Formal faculty approval for graduation.

Students majoring in education should see the criteria for completion of all Bachelor of Science in Education programs in the current academic catalog.

Graduation Honors

Reinhardt University awards Latin honors, Summa Cum LaudeMagna Cum Laude and Cum Laude based on a determination of the student’s overall cumulative grade-point average (GPA), including all course work attempted at all post-secondary institutions prior to enrolling at Reinhardt.

  • Cum Laude 3.30 – 3.59
  • Magna Cum Laude 3.60 – 3.89
  • Summa Cum Laude 3.90 – 4.00

Honor Cords

Reinhardt University awards Latin honors to baccalaureate degree graduates.  Summa cum laude, magna cum laude and cum laude honors will be determined by the overall cumulative grade-point averages (GPA) (including course work attempted prior to enrolling at Reinhardt) at the end of Spring 2025 Session I/end of Mid-Fall 2024-2025 Session II grade processing.

Graduates receiving Latin Honors will be notified by letter. Honor cords will be distributed by the Registrar’s Office from April 9th –April 30th.

Latin honors, are as follows:

  • Summa cum laude (3.90 – 4.00)
  • Magna cum laude (3.60 – 3.89)
  • Cum laude (3.30 – 3.59)


Graduation Fair 2025

Time to SOAR!

Get ready for the big day – Join us for the 2025 Graduation Fair on Wednesday, February 26 from 10 am-2 pm in the Hill Freeman Library.

This is your one-stop shop to prepare to graduate!

You will be able to:

  • Ask commencement questions
  • Check your graduation status
  • Learn how to order your cap and gown as well as announcements and diploma frames
  • Reconcile your student account that may prevent you from graduating
  • Explore opportunities for graduate programs
  • Meet with Vocation & Career Services to plan for your future

Representatives from Enrollment Services, Registrar, Financial Aid, Career Services, and Alumni Relations will be on hand to assist you.

The Graduation Fair is here to help you complete all necessary preparation for participating in Commencement. Enter into drawings for great prizes, and much more!

Apply for you degree

Stop by the Registrar’s table and learn more about Commencement details and graduation information. Make sure you are on track to graduate! Click here to apply for your undergraduate or graduate degree. If you haven’t already applied to graduate, make sure you contact the Office of Registrar as soon as possible by phone at (720) 720- 5534 or by email To participate in commencement, you must apply for graduation by April 1, 2025. Failure to apply by the deadline will result in your name being omitted from the Commencement Program. All degree requirements, including satisfaction of student financial obligations to the University, must be met by 4:30 p.m. on April 1, 2025.

Order your cap & gown

Commencement regalia are provided at no additional cost. You should place an order for regalia online at The order deadline is March 3rd for campus pickup and April 11th for delivery to your home. (A $14.90 shipping fee applies to home delivery orders.) The pickup information will be posted on the commencement web page as soon as it is arrangements are made. Graduates keep their cap, gown and hood, so there is no need to return them after the commencement ceremony.

Purchase your announcements and gifts

Personalized commencement announcements and diploma frames are available through the All announcement and diploma frame orders will ship directly to the students at their home address.

Vocation & Career Services

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! As you transition to your first role after your degree or continue in your current role, we hope you know that Reinhardt will always be a resource for your career needs. Work with Career Services on building your resume and cover letter and so much more. Click here to find out about upcoming Career & Job Fairs. If you are in the search process and if we can assist you in any way, please contact the Office of Vocation & Career Services at or visit Career Services.


Learn about graduate programs

Interested in pursuing your Master’s degree at Reinhardt University? Our Office of Admissions department will be here to answer all of your questions. To find out more about Reinhardt’s graduate programs visit

Reconcile your student account

Log into EagleWeb to review your account or to check your Financial Aid status. Financial Aid Counselors will be available to discuss possible options if additional aid is needed. If you have any questions about your student account, invoice or making payments, please contact the Business Office at (770) 720-5520 or To find out more about Financial Aid visit the Financial Aid Checklist. If you have any questions about financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (770) 720-5667 or

Update your information for alumni communications

After graduation, Reinhardt’s mission of educating the whole person with challenge and care does not end after you have achieved this excellent accomplishment. Stay connected with the Office of Alumni to grow professionally and keep us informed of all the real work for the good life you will do.

Update your information here to stay informed of alumni events, university progress, student success, and more.

Purchase your senior brick

Don’t miss out on your chance to leave your mark on Reinhardt’s campus forever with a named brick on our Senior Walk. When you return to campus, find your name, and remember all the good times you had at Reinhardt. A Senior Walk brick is an awesome gift your family and friends can give you as you celebrate your success. Click here to purchase your Senior Brick.