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Reinhardt University’s new Women’s Flag Football team is being featured at the College Football Hall of Fame.

A complete Reinhardt flag football team uniform went on exhibit March 1 at the entry of the College Football Hall of Fame downtown Atlanta.

A historian also interviewed Coach Toni Fuller and three players this week for a video feature on the College Football Hall of Fame’s website. Check it out here. Our team is proud to be making their mark on the future during Women’s History Month.

Women’s flag football is quickly gaining in popularity, especially in Georgia. Reinhardt is the second university in the state to field a competitive varsity team. They will play other teams around the country.

“When I look at my 18 girls… I think you’re looking at the future of football when you look at what’s growing here,” says Fuller, “Our motto is Create Your Legacy.”

Reinhardt’s first-ever home game is Saturday, March 11 at 11am.