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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Macain Pharr

A dual major in math and secondary mathematics education is awarded the coveted Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship. Macain Pharr, a junior at Reinhardt, is grateful to have learned of the scholarship opportunity improving pathways for qualified STEM teachers from Professor Elizabeth Smith and for the assistance of Dr. Irma Santoro with the application process.

As an award recipient, Pharr will attend seminars and conferences to help prepare him for his chosen field. The Noyce Scholarship program seeks to increase the number of STEM K-12 teachers to teach in high-need school districts. His ideal position after graduation is to work at his alma mater, Cherokee High School, or at his middle school, (Teasley Middle School) which both meet the Noyce Title 1 requirements. In order to meet the requirements, he must maintain a 3.0 GPA.

Previously a commuter from Canton, the twenty-thousand-dollar award allows Pharr the financial ability to live on campus this year. He looks forward to being in the middle of everything and enjoying the campus more. A natural athlete, Macain played baseball with the Eagles for two seasons but is now focusing on his academics while also playing in a golf league.

Pharr has advice for other students seeking financial assistance, “Scholarships aren’t only sports driven. Seek something that you love and see what you can do with that. For me, I love math and I can get a scholarship from something that I love.” He’s grateful to have found that opportunity at Reinhardt, “When I walk around the campus, I’m going to find somebody that I know. It’s like a family here. It’s always been home to me.”