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Lehigh Carbon Community College

By Caitlin Brown (RU-2026)

With 55 international students currently attending its vibrant campus, Reinhardt University continues to expand the campus community by welcoming Filippa Stenberg, a student from Stockholm, Sweden. Stenberg is taking a gap year between high school and enrolling in university back in Sweden. She plans to make the most of her school year in the United States as an opportunity to explore different areas of study.

Stenberg reflects, “I want to try different areas of study because I’ve been doing natural science in high school, so I’ve done a lot of biology and physics and chemistry, and now I’m kind of open to trying new things and new subjects.” She also hopes to gain insight into cultural differences, not only on the Reinhardt campus but also through her sponsor, the Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP). Stenberg already notes a key difference between Sweden and Georgia explaining, “It’s very different than in Sweden because everyone here is so open to go up to a stranger, talk to them, and give random compliments which we don’t do in Sweden. We’re very introverted. So, I think that’s the best part so far.” Currently, Stenberg enjoys exploring the opportunities at Reinhardt and meeting new people. She looks forward to celebrating holidays in America, particularly Halloween and Christmas.

The GRSP annually sponsors students from across the world to study at Georgia colleges and universities. Following a rigorous application process, the Rotary Club of Canton has partnered with Reinhardt to host students. Marcie Smith, the president of the Rotary Club of Canton, states, “We know Filippa will receive the highest quality of education from our own Reinhardt University. Our club members are looking forward to supporting Filippa and learning from her during her time in Georgia.”

Reinhardt alumnus, GRSP Trustee, and former Canton Rotary President Francisco Lozano (RU-2003) also participated in the program. Lozano explains the program’s mission, “We are building communities where people unite and take action to solve problems, create hope, lead the way, and make the world happier and better. Filippa Stenberg embodies those qualities, and we are delighted to sponsor her this Rotary Year 2024-2025. She will be participating in service projects with our community while she learns and experiences college life at Reinhardt University.”

Pictured from left: Rotary Club of Canton President Marcie Smith, Reinhardt President Mark A. Roberts, Ph.D., Filippa Stenberg (Georgia Rotary Student Program representative from Sweden), Reinhardt Board of Trustees and Rotary Club of Canton member JoEllen Wilson (RU-1961).