Thank you for your interest in Reinhardt University, an institution of higher learning that has continued its educational mission since 1883.
Reinhardt University’s community members operate under the values of Learning, Serving, and Leading. For Reinhardt, the values are not just words but an equation: If we humble ourselves to learn, we simultaneously prepare ourselves to serve, and if we learn and serve, we are, by definition, leading.
These three values— Learning, Serving, and Leading— create the environment in which Reinhardt University pursues its mission to Educate the Whole Person with Challenge and Care to strive toward our vision to Be a University Where Diverse Talents Learn Together.
The University achieves these core goals by placing eager students in an educational partnership with professors who are attentive teachers and accomplished scholars or artists in their fields of study. Reinhardt’s scholarly and creative faculty usher students into the excitement and passion for learning by asking them to solve real-world problems, to create new ways of viewing the world, or to perform challenging pieces of music or theatrical productions. Attempts at answering complex questions lead the student to discover “whole person passions,” which in turn drive Reinhardt students to take-on challenging internships, research studies, service-learning projects, and study-abroad excursions. Through these practices and with guidance from faculty members with standards of excellence, students experience, first-hand, how to think critically and creatively in order to act positively to impact people and places, near and far.
Enveloping this intellectual experience is a vibrant living and learning community, led by Reinhardt staff members who have devoted their lives to educating students outside the confines of the classroom and the academic discipline. We offer students opportunities to serve in an impressive Student Government Organization (that manages their own budget), an inspiring Leadership Program, and over 40+ student life organizations. Student-athletes have opportunities to compete as members of regionally and nationally ranked teams, all of which report strong average GPAs. With guidance from our educational staff and coaches, Reinhardt students learn to navigate the complexity of human relationship, work collegially in teams, and manage organizational systems while experiencing the value of serving others for the greater good.
Reinhardt University provides quality places to learn, both on campus and online. For students studying in residence, Reinhardt offers a beautifully landscaped campus with inspiring views and tranquil places to study and share conversations. Indeed, the campus is designed to help students reflect, connect, and expand their opportunities. Our working adult and graduate students, while primarily completing degrees online, experience a state-of-the art learning management system that provides a consistent experience for easy access to content and connection with peers and professors.
Whether you are a resident, commuter, online, or graduate learner, Reinhardt University creates a place where every student has the opportunity to enact the university’s educational ethos, verum opus ad vitum bonam— to Do the Real Work for the Good Life.
To experience this valuable investment in your personal and professional future, I encourage you to apply, today, to Reinhardt University.
Mark A. Roberts, Ph.D.