ExCL MPA – Master of Public Administration
ExCL MPA – Master of Public Administration Programs at Reinhardt University
Bringing Career Enhancement to Governmental, Private and Nonprofit Organizations
The Executive Command and Leadership program leads to the award of a Master of Public Administration and provides broad based training in subjects such as economics, policy analysis, management and communications. The ExCL is being administered through the Reinhardt University Public Safety Institute and offers a career enhancement path for individuals who are employed by, or interested in working within, public safety, private, nonprofit or public service. The program will be offered at regional sites in north and south Georgia.
This masters program provides the opportunity for qualified individuals to complete training requirements for the award of both the Management and Executive Certifications through the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (P.O.S.T.). The program consists of twelve courses with 480 hours of direct instruction, supplemented by interactive online assignments. Each course requires 40 hours of direct instruction delivered through a mandatory face-to-face residency component. The residency component cannot be waived.
Training credit will only be granted for ExCL MPA coursework approved by the P.O.S.T. Council and completed through Reinhardt University. Training credit shall not be awarded for graduate courses completed at other institutions. Individuals seeking the award of career development training credit must meet the following conditions:
- Be in good standing with the Georgia P.O.S.T. Council or cleared by P.O.S.T. for training and employment;
- Acceptance into the ExCL Master of Public Administration program as a degree seeking student;
- Attend 90% or more of each course residency component as scheduled through Reinhardt University;
- Obtain a cumulative final average of 80% or higher in each course;
- Maintain good standing as a degree seeking student in the Master of Public Administration program.
Master of Public Administration Classes You’ll Take
- MPA 600 Public Administration and Policy
- MPA 605 Leadership and Organizational Behavior
- MPA 610 Research Methods
- MPA 611 Applied Statistics for Public Decision Making
- MPA 615 Special Topics in Public Administration
- MPA 620 Budgeting and Finance
- MPA 625 Human Services Administration
- MPA 630 Administrative Law
- MPA 635 Ethics in Public Service
- MPA 640 Criminal Justice Administration
- MPA 645 Police Administration
- MPA 655 Criminal Justice Policy
Careers in Public Administration
Average annual salary for Top Executives as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Average growth rate expected for Top Executive as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2022-2032

Dr. Duanne Thompson
Assistant Professor Criminal Justice, Public Safety
School of Professional Studies

Dr. Erin Hager Henthorne
Assistant Professor Criminal Justice, Public Safety
School of Professional Studies