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Lehigh Carbon Community College

A Degree Is within Your Reach

Whether you’re a first-year undergraduate student, an online learner, or a graduate student, we want Reinhardt to be as affordable as possible for you. You’ll have a financial aid counselor who will guide you through the financial aid process and give you personalized assistance to help maximize your aid.

Financial Aid Snapshot


of Reinhardt Students Receive Financial Aid


Financial Aid Dispersed Annually


Reinhardt Scholarships and Grants Available to New Students

Financial Aid Checklist

Use our financial aid checklist to help you kick-start the process to apply for federal and state loans, scholarships, grants, and more.


Tuition and Fees

Review our costs of attendance for on-campus undergraduates, online undergraduates, and graduates.

Estimate Your Out-of-Pocket Costs

The net price calculator will provide you with an estimate of your cost of attendance and financial for which you may qualify.

Reinhardt student looking at a monitor

Work Study at RU

The Student Worker Program at Reinhardt University is an incredible opportunity for any full-time student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree. Not only does working on campus give you valuable professional experience, but it allows you the chance to earn while learning.

There are a limited number of positions available, but we’re here to help you find out if any positions are still up for grabs. Please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Get Flight Ready!

Our goal is to support you and your parents throughout your journey of becoming a Reinhardt student. Our Flight Ready list will help you make sure you’ve completed all enrollment tasks required before moving into the halls and starting your year at RU.

Meet Our Financial Aid Counselors and Staff

The Financial Aid Office is open weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Once you’re accepted to Reinhardt, a Financial Aid Counselor will be assigned to you. While walk-in visits are welcome, we recommend scheduling an appointment below, or contacting your designated counselor by phone beforehand to ensure their availability.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Financial Aid Counselor

If you’re a current or prospective student, you can schedule appointments with a counselor directly via Calendly below, or contact them by phone.

 Lisa  Letner

Lisa Letner

Student Financial Aid Counselor

Financial Aid

 Wanda  Olson

Wanda Olson

Assistant Director, Student Financial Aid

Financial Aid

 Denisha  Austin

Denisha Austin

Student Financial Aid Counselor

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Staff

More Financial Aid Resources

Glossary of Common Financial Aid Terms

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – The initial application for federal student aid includes Pell Grant, student and parent loans, work-study, and need-based aid. This application is located at To complete and submit this application, you will need your prior year’s federal tax information, asset information, social security numbers, and FSA ID.

FSA ID – The FSA ID includes a username and password that can be used to log in to certain Federal Student Aid websites, including the FAFSA website. If you are a parent and must sign your child’s FAFSA electronically, you will need your own FSA ID. To create a FSA ID, visit and click on create an account.

Student Aid Report (SAR) – Notification sent to students with their information entered on the FAFSA and the calculated expected family contribution.

Student Aid Index (SAI) – The Student Aid Index (SAI) is an eligibility index number that our financial aid office uses to determine how much federal student aid the student would receive if the student attended our school. This number results from the information that the student provides in their FAFSA form.

Financial Aid Package – This is the eligible source of financial aid offered to assist in paying for college costs. This could include federal, state, institutional, or outside/private assistance.

Financial Aid Estimate Award Letter – This letter lists missing documents needed to complete your financial aid file to process eligible financial aid. It will also list possible qualified financial aid.

Financial Aid Award Letter – This letter lists all sources of financial aid for which the student has applied. Aid does not need to be accepted, and students may choose to decline aid.

Cost of Attendance (COA) – Student financial aid cannot be awarded above the COA. The COA includes tuition, fees, room, board, books and supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.

Net Price – Net price is the out-of-pocket cost. It is the difference between the COA and financial aid. It is the amount owed to the college by the student.

Grants and Scholarships – Money that does not have to be paid back and awarded based on merit, talent, religion, ethnicity, hobbies/interests, major, etc.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – Federal law that protects the privacy of student records. Only students will have access to their educational information unless they give written permission to list others who may receive information.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) – All colleges and universities are legally required to define and enforce academic progress standards.

Loans are funds that must be paid back, usually with interest. There are federal student loans, federal parent loans, and private or alternative loans.

Education Tax Benefits are available to you and your parents when you file federal income tax returns based on the amounts you paid for college. The most popular education tax benefits are the Hope Scholarship tax credit, the Lifetime Learning tax credit, and the student loan interest deduction.

Financial Aid Policies at Reinhardt University

50% Institutional Aid Rule

Students receiving 50% or more of their tuition expenses from Reinhardt Institutional Aid are required to reside on campus. To be exempt from living on campus, students must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Living with parents (verification required)
  • Married or living with children (verification required)
  • 24 years of age or older (verification required)

Communication/Email Policy

Each student is issued a University ID and email account for use throughout the time registered for classes. Email is an available tool for official communication between the University (faculty/staff) and students. All University business must be conducted with Reinhardt University email. Changes and requests will not be made from private/personal email accounts.

  • The University-assigned student email account is the official means of communication with all registered students. The University reserves the right to send University business communications to students with the full expectation that students will receive and read emails promptly.
  • Students must frequently check their university email accounts to stay current with university business and notifications. Students must ensure that there is sufficient space to allow for email delivery.
  • Faculty and staff will assume that a student’s University email is valid for communicating with a student. Students who forward their University email to a private/personal email address outside the University-issued email may do so at their own risk. The University is not responsible for any difficulties that may occur in the transmission or access of email. Any such problems will not absolve students of their responsibility to know and comply with the official communications sent to their University email account.
  • If you are unsure of your University email, please get in touch with Technology Services at 770.720.5555 or visit Technology Services. New students, please check the email listed on your Admissions Application until you receive a Reinhardt University email address.

Enrollment Status

A student’s enrollment status partly determines Financial Aid eligibility. When you’ve met with your advisor and registered, it is essential to review your class schedule to ensure that registration requirements have been met for financial aid. Students must be enrolled over the entire 16-week semester. This can be achieved by taking full-session courses or combining courses offered in Session 1 and Session 2 as a full-time or part-time student. Registration in only Session 1 or only Session 2 does not meet financial aid registration requirements.

  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974) protects the privacy of student records. Under the Act, students may inspect and review their educational records, seek to amend those records, and limit disclosure of information from those records. Access to student’s records is strictly limited. Students may complete a Student Waiver Form of FERPA Rights for Financial Aid Only form to allow the Student Financial Aid Office to release financial information to those named on the form. Students may obtain the FERPA Waiver online.
  • Repeated Coursework: New federal regulations may prohibit a student’s financial aid eligibility when completing repeated coursework. Students repeating coursework are strongly encouraged to check with their Financial Aid Counselor for financial assistance eligibility. Repeated coursework considered to be passing may not be financial aid eligible.
  • Right to Cancel Policy for Student Loans, PLUS Loans, and TEACH Grant: If you desire to cancel your student loan, PLUS Loan, or TEACH Grant, you must submit a written request to the Reinhardt University Financial Aid Office within 14 days from the date the loan funds credit to your university account. Your written request to cancel a federal loan may be submitted to the Student Financial Aid Office by e-mail from your Reinhardt email account or as a handwritten, typed, or printed statement bearing an original signature submitted by mail, in person, or by fax. Once you have requested that any part of the federal loan be canceled, please immediately pay any outstanding balance to the Business Office.
    • To view your university account, log on to EagleWeb and select “Course and Fee Statement.”
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress, SAP: As amended, the Higher Education Act of 1965 requires colleges and universities to define and enforce standards of satisfactory academic progress for all students receiving federal assistance. The financial aid definition of satisfactory academic progress differs somewhat from academic standards, as stated in the catalog. All full- and part-time students receiving federal financial aid must be in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress. These standards, defined below, must also be met for students to receive state aid. The Registrar and Director of Student Financial Aid will evaluate satisfactory academic progress at the end of each semester. Students will be assessed and notified at the end of each semester if they are not meeting SAP requirements. The first semester a student does not meet SAP requirements, the student is placed on Financial Aid Warning. At the end of the following semester, if a student still does not meet SAP requirements, the student is then placed on Financial Aid Suspension. Students on Financial Aid Suspension are not eligible for any financial aid until they meet SAP requirements or an appeal is approved. SAP appeals are submitted and reviewed by the Appeals Committee. A student whose appeal is approved will then be placed on Financial Aid Probation. To be eligible to continue receiving federal and state aid, a student must maintain the grade point averages (GPA) shown below and pass 67%:
Hours Attempted Minimum GPA
0-15 1.5
16-30 1.6
31-45 1.7
46+ 2.0

The maximum time for completion of degree requirements for students receiving aid is one and one-half times the length of the degree program. Baccalaureate programs must be completed in 12 semesters. Associate degree programs must be completed in six semesters. A student who does not meet these criteria will not be allowed to receive further federal or state aid until the student’s cumulative performance at Reinhardt University meets or exceeds these standards when reviewed at the end of the following semester checkpoint. Students who receive a semester with all grades of F may be automatically placed on Financial Aid Suspension after review with the Registrar.

Reinhardt University is committed to communicating and informing affordability and policies and procedures for the success of our students. Below, you will find campus-wide information:

Financial Assistance Available to Students

Reinhardt works with four financial aid programs: federal, state, institutional, and outside scholarships/loans. Please look at the resources available above or connect with your financial aid counselor.

Cost & Payment Arrangements

Once a student is registered for their classes, a student invoice is then created and is due by the payment deadline for that semester. Cost and payment arrangements can be viewed on EagleWeb.

Security and Safety

Reinhardt’s Public Safety mission is to keep our campus safe. Public Safety partners with citizens, the community, the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, and the Cherokee County Fire Department to keep our campus safe to live, study, and work. Visit Public Safety for more information.


Reinhardt’s intercollegiate athletic department offers 26 programs and is committed to providing equitable athletic opportunities for its male and female students. The Equity in Athletics Data (EADA) is available for review and can be found in the Vice President of Athletics and Athletics Director’s office located in the gym. This report details:

  • Number of male and female full-time undergraduate students
  • Total amount of athletically related student aid awarded to male and female athletes
  • Expenses by sport
  • Annual revenue for men’s and women’s sports
  • Annual school salary of non-volunteer head coaches and assistant coaches for varsity team competition
  • Number and gender of participants
  • Number of coaches
  • Operating expenses

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Reinhardt’s faculty, staff, and administration protect student education records by the guidelines enacted by Congress in 1974. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar at 770.720.5534 or

Academic Programs

Reinhardt offers 50+ academic programs. Learn more about our programs and their requirements by visiting our degrees and programs.

Voter Registration

Reinhardt University’s main campus is in Georgia, which requires voter registration before election day. Student Activities offers the opportunity for all students to vote. Key dates and information are announced by email and social media.

Reinhardt University Student Financial Aid Complaint Policy and Log

The Student Financial Aid Office strives to have superior customer service, to remain current in all financial aid regulations, and to have a comfortable atmosphere for students. We want to assist them in applying for and receiving as much eligible financial aid as possible, remain in compliance with all governing bodies, and create a relationship with students so they understand we are here to help them with any situation that may affect their financial status with the University.

We want students to know that we care about them and their success at Reinhardt. Each student is assigned a counselor by last name for our traditional and graduate students, and our online students are assigned to our Assistant Director. Students are encouraged to stay in constant communication with their Student Financial Aid Counselor but know they may speak with the Director of Student Financial Aid. The Student Financial Aid Office has an open-door policy so that students can come by anytime.

Students who wish to file a complaint are encouraged to do so by emailing the Director of Student Financial Aid or submitting a complaint to Depending on the severity of the complaint, the situation may be handled within the Student Financial Aid Office or with the Vice President for Enrollment Management. All complaints should be handled within 48 hours of being made unless you submit them on the weekend. If appropriate, the student will be informed of the outcome within 72 hours.

The complaint log contains the student’s name, ID, date submitted, date resolved, complaint, and resolution. This log is kept electronically.

Reinhardt University Code of Conduct

Reinhardt University offers student and parent loans under the United States Department of Education Title IV Federal Family Education Loan Program. Reinhardt University is committed to an environment of uncompromising integrity and ethical conduct about its student loan practice. The Reinhardt University Code of Conduct will be administered and enforced on each employee, officer, and agent with responsibilities with respect to the loan program and will be informed annually of the provisions of the code of conduct as set forth by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) School Code of Conduct.

Ban on Revenue-Sharing Arrangements:

Reinhardt University can not recommend a lender or the loan products of the lender, and in exchange, the lender pays a fee or provides other material benefits, including revenue or profit sharing, to Reinhardt University, an officer or employee of the institution, or an agent.

Gift Ban:

No officer or employee of Reinhardt University employed in the financial aid office or otherwise has responsibilities concerning education loans or agent who has responsibilities relating to education loans shall solicit or accept any gift from a lender, guarantor, or servicer of education loans.

A gift means any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or other item having a monetary value. The term gift includes services, transportation, lodging, or meals, whether provided in kind, by purchasing a ticket, payment in advance, or reimbursement after the expense has been incurred. An employee may attend conferences and meetings of tax-exempt organizations funded or sponsored by more than one entity and, subject to state law, receive materials, refreshments, and other things of like value provided at such professional conferences and meetings.

Prohibited Contracting Arrangements:

Reinhardt University employees of the financial aid office, or any employee who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans, are prohibited from entering into any type of consulting arrangement or other contract to provide to a lender services relating to education loans.

Prohibit Assigning of Lender to First-Time Borrower and Prohibit Refusal to Certify or Delay of Loan Certification Based on Choice of Lender:

Reinhardt University shall not, for any first-time borrower, assign the borrower’s loan to a particular lender through award packaging or other methods or refuse to certify or delay certification of any loan based on the borrower’s selection of lender or guaranty agency. The selection of a lender for inclusion on the Reinhardt University Preferred Lender List shall be solely based on the best interest of Reinhardt University students and their parents without regard to any interests of the university. Any Preferred Lender List shall clearly explain:

  • Students and their parents are free to select the lender of their choice and will suffer no adverse conditions upon using a lender that is not a “preferred lender.”
  • Students and their parents will be instructed where to find information on other Lenders within the federal lending program.
  • Reinhardt University will certify any loan from any Lender selected by a borrower in accordance with U.S. Department of Education regulations.
  • Students and their parents will be informed concerning the university’s process in providing a Preferred Lender List.

Prohibition on Offers of Funds for Private Loans:

Reinhardt University shall not request or accept from any lender any offer of funds to be used for private education loans, including funds for an opportunity pool loan, to students in exchange for the institution providing concessions or promises regarding the lender with:

  • A specified number of loans made, insured, or guaranteed under this title;
  • A specified loan volume of such loans; or
  • A preferred lender arrangement for such loans.

Ban on Staffing Assistance:

Reinhardt University shall not request or accept any assistance from any lender with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing. The institution can accept assistance from a lender to:

  • Professional development training for financial aid administrators;
  • Providing educational counseling materials, financial literacy materials, or debt management materials to borrowers, provided that such materials disclose to borrowers the identification of any lender that assisted in preparing or providing such materials.

Prohibition on Receipt of Compensation for Advisory Board Service:

Reinhardt University employees of the financial aid office, or any employee who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to educational loans, who serve on an advisory board (or commission or group) relating to educational loans established by a lender or group of lenders are prohibited from receiving anything of value from the lender or group of lenders in connection with serving on such advisory board.