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It is the aim of Reinhardt University’s Flight Ready program to assist students and their families with all aspects associated with being a Reinhardt student. Ensuring all University business is completed before entry into the institution each semester will create for the student a more positive experience during the academic year. Therefore, to move into Reinhardt residence halls, to participate in extracurricular activities and athletics and to continue as an enrolled student at the University, students must take care to complete the following items prior to the beginning of each academic semester.

Please review the list below to make sure you have completed all the necessary steps so that you start the semester off on the right foot.

For Online and Graduate students (not residing on campus), contact 770.720.5526 for steps to enroll.

Flight Ready Action Items

Admissions Enrollment Documentation (New Students Only)

All required documents have been received and filed with the University. These documents include:

  • Final, official high school transcripts, and/or
  • Final, official college transcripts
  • All required international admissions documents received.
  • Other documentation required by the admissions office will be sent to the student via email.

Double-check your transfer credit evaluations.

All transfer students or first-time students with dual enrollment credit who submit their college transcripts will receive a credit evaluation(s). Double-check to ensure that all classes for which you believe credit should be received are listed. For more information on our credit transfer policies, see the Academic Catalog.

If you have any questions about admissions or enrollment, please contact the Admissions Office at (770) 720-5526 or

Reinhardt Portals-MyReinhardt & EagleWeb

The Office of Admissions sends information to each accepted and deposited student to create a Reinhardt University account. Once you log in, you gain access to these areas for your entire Reinhardt journey:

EagleWeb-This is the student portal where you find all information from university offices. You can check your financial aid account, business office account, retrieve tax statements and review course registrations. You will also check this area each semester for Flight Ready checklist items. These items are required to be completed before you register each semester.

Canvas-Online course platform where you will find courses assigned to you, including the Flight School course prior to arriving at Reinhardt.

Microsoft Outlook-This is your email account associated with Reinhardt University. All Reinhardt offices, departments and faculty members will communicate with you in this email area (only).

Microsoft Office 365 software-As a Reinhardt University student, you are eligible for this software to support your educational journey. These engaging tools include Excel, Word, PowerPoint and a One Drive area for all your coursework needs.


Submit your $150 tuition deposit (New Students Only)

The $150 non-refundable tuition deposit reserves your seat at Reinhardt University for the semester in which you were offered admission. Submit your tuition deposit here or by calling 770-720-5520. The deposit also allows you to proceed with registering for New Student Orientation and housing, if you intend to reside on-campus. Once enrolled, the deposit will be applied toward your student account balance. The tuition deposit is not refundable.

Financial Aid (New/Returning Students)

All required Financial Aid documentation has been received and filed with the University.

Click here for a Checklist of all financial aid forms.

Financial Aid documents include:

  • FAFSA (or wavier)
  • Student Loan Documents
  • Any other documentation required to complete a student financial aid file, including Verification documents.

Log into EagleWeb to check your Fin Aid status.

Secure your financial aid.

Schedule an appointment with your personal Financial Aid Counselor to discuss the cost of attendance and financial aid options.

If you have any questions about financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (770) 720-5667 or or click here to find out more about Financial Aid.

Business Office (New/Returning Students)

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are due prior to the beginning of each semester. Students must have invoices paid in full for the current term or have an active payment plan in place.

  • Step 1: View your invoice in Eagleweb.

Log into EagleWeb to review your account. Information will be updated weekly until after drop/add. All registered students may view their student invoice by signing onto their Eagleweb account and then selecting Current Student > My Account > Course and Fee Statement > Generate Course and Fee Statement.

  • Step 2: Pay your Invoice.

Log into EagleWeb and then selecting Current Student to submit your tuition payment.

Payment Plans are available. Reinhardt University partners with Nelnet Enterprise to offer access to student account information, payment plans and tuition protection plans. Click here to access information and enroll in a payment plan.  Nelnet also offers payment options for International Students through

Click Here to find out more about the Business Office.

If you have any questions about your student invoice or making payments, please contact the Business Office at (770) 720-5520 or

Residential Education & Housing (New/Returning Students)

Reinhardt University requires all students in the following categories to live on-campus in the residence halls:

  • All first-year students
  • All students receiving 50% or more of their tuition expenses from Reinhardt Institutional Aid

Students may apply to be exempt from living on campus if they meet the following criteria:

  • Living exclusively with parents or legal guardians in their/her/his primary residence within a 30-mile driving distance of Reinhardt University as measured by Google Maps;
  • Married and/or live with dependents/children;
  • 24 years of age or older.

If a student believes they meet one of the above criteria, they must complete an Off Campus Application and be granted permission to move off-campus before they may do so.

On-Campus (Residential Students)

Housing is provided on a first-come, first-serve basis, so you are encouraged to submit your application and deposit early! To find out more, visit

  • Step 1: Submit $200 Housing Deposit

Click here to submit Housing Deposit to secure a living space on campus.

  • Step 2: Submit Housing Application Form. The Housing Application is accessible through the MyReinhardt portal. Within the MyReinhardt portal click on the RU EagleWeb tab. Once you have logged into RU EagleWeb, click on “Housing” within the top menu bar then select the Housing Application to apply for housing. Carefully read the information on the Instructions page and then complete and submit the Housing Application.

 Off-Campus (Commuter Students)

Submit Off-Campus Living Application Form. Click here to submit an Off-Campus Living Application.

If you have any questions about living on campus or commuting, visit or contact the Office of Residence Life at

New Student Orientation (New Students)

Make your reservation and attend New Student Orientation.

To help ease your transition, Reinhardt has designed the New Student Orientation (NSO) process. During NSO, you will learn more about life at Reinhardt and the many resources available to you, as well as meet with a faculty advisor to finalize your course schedule.

NSO for Spring 2025 is a multi-step process which includes SOAR and Flight School. All new students are required to attend elements of the NSO.

  • SOAR – (First-Time Freshmen, Transfer Students, Dual Enrollment Students) Takes place during the summer months and is a series of highly engaging 1-day sessions where you will meet your fellow classmates coming to Reinhardt and learn about studying and living at Reinhardt.

Flight School – (First-Time Freshmen, Transfer Students, Dual Enrollment Students) An online Canvas course to be completed asynchronously (self-paced, independently). Flight School will be like taking a class and includes different modules (units) covering campus resources and support services.

Please keep in mind that by making your reservation as soon as possible, you will ensure priority in processing and increase the likelihood that your SOAR session preference will be honored, as space at each SOAR session is limited.

If you have any questions about orientation, please contact the Orientation Office at or visit to learn more.

Advising & Registration for Courses (New/Returning Students)

Students are required to have been advised and registered for courses prior to the beginning of each semester.

New Students – Once you have made your New Student Orientation reservation, you will have an interaction with an academic advisor to register for your first semester classes.

Returning Students – Contact your academic advisor to be cleared to register, then log into EagleWeb to register for your semester classes and/or view your class schedule.

We recommend that you browse the online University course offerings and begin organizing your ideas for future conversations with your Academic Advisor. Exploring the course options available to you before your advising session will improve your advising experience. Click here to prepare for your academic advising session by reviewing the undergraduate catalog.

Click Here to find out more about the Registrar’s Office.

If you have any questions about advising and course registration, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (770) 720-5534 or

Schedule Your Flight Ready Check-in/Move-in Date (All campus attending/resident students)

Flight Ready Check-in Date Sign-up (New/Returning and Commuter/Residential Students)
Sign up for a Flight Ready Check-in



Reinhardt has developed a staggered plan for the Flight Ready Check-in/Move-in dates designed to reduce density and crowding.


To be clear, you must sign up for your Flight Ready date and time in advance.


    • New Students/Returning StudentsMonday, January 6
    • Returning Students – Tuesday, January 7


Click Here to sign up for your check-in date and time. Residential students will pick up their key at Flight Ready.


Improper Check-in Policy – All students must check-in during the established Flight Ready Clearance Process at the beginning of each semester.  Failure to check-in through the Flight Ready Clearance Process will result in a $150 Improper Check-in Fine. Only those students who have been previously approved by the Dean of Students are able to check-in outside of the established Fight Ready Clearance Process.


If you have any questions about Flight Ready Check-in, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at

Submission of Health Insurance Information

Reinhardt University requires all students to have insurance coverage and insurance coverage must continue as long as the student is enrolled. Students must show proof of Insurance and must upload a copy (front/back) of the Medical Insurance Card to Medicat.  If you have any questions about submitting health insurance information, please contact the Student Health Center at (770) 720-5657 or

Submit Your Health History and Immunization Records

Student Health Center (New/Returning Students)
Submission of Health Records including Health History and Immunizations Information as well as Health Insurance Information Reinhardt University requires all students to submit their health records, insurance information to the Student Health Center.

Submit Health History and Immunization Records

  • Reinhardt University requires all students to complete a Health History Form and Tuberculosis Questionnaire (different from athletic department) and submit immunization records.

Submit Health Insurance Information

  • Reinhardt University requires all students to have insurance coverage and insurance coverage must continue as long as the student is enrolled. Students must show proof of Insurance and must upload a copy (front/back) of the Medical Insurance Card

To submit health records and insurance information visit Medicat the Student Health Center’s electronic health record system. Medicate is accessible through the MyReinhardt portal. You may log into MyReinhardt portal using your Reinhardt credentials. Within the MyReinhardt portal click on the Medicat tab to upload your health records and insurance information.

New Students – Will gain access Medicat, upon registering for courses.

Click Here to find out more about the Student Health Center.

If you have any questions about submitting health records or health insurance information, please contact the Student Health Center at (770) 720-5657 or

Activation of UWill Account




Reinhardt University requires all students to activate their Uwill health platform. Uwill offers Reinhardt students 24/7 access to doctors, therapists, on-demand crisis counseling and wellness programming through its easy-to-use online platform.

Create a Uwill account by using your Reinhardt email address and Reinhardt physical address. If you have any questions about activating your UWill account, please contact the Student Health Center at (770) 720-5657 or

Activate Your UWill Account

  • As a Reinhardt student, you have unlimited access to doctors, therapists, and on-demand crisis counseling through the UWill telehealth options. This service is in addition to other healthcare services available through the Student Health Center.
  • In July, you will receive an e-mail from the UWill notifying you that you have full access to their telehealth platform. You will use that email, click here to find out more about the UWill and to activate your account.