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Lehigh Carbon Community College

By Jordan Beach

Dr. Randell Trammell ‘03 ‘09 changed plans after his acceptance into another school’s Master of Education program when Reinhardt announced the launch of its MBA degree program. He knew he wanted to be a part of its inaugural graduating class.

“The thought of being a part of a new program at Reinhardt—a place that meant so much to me as an undergraduate—seemed like a no-brainer,” Trammell said.

Dr. Randell Trammell

Trammell first fell in love with Reinhardt University when visiting his high school friends on campus.

“As I became a student, I was captivated by the beauty of the campus, the quality of the education, but most of all by what I like to call the ‘Reinhardt Spirit’—the people. That experience was transformative for me, and I give RU credit for much of my success story.”

As Student Body President, Trammell feels his leadership role provided deeper understandings of governing bodies, politics within an institution and the ability to meet people such as Board of Trustees Chair Ken White and his roommate Erik Mays, who continue to be mentors and friends to him today.

“I think perhaps the biggest thing that Reinhardt taught me was the value of relationships and working together to achieve common goals. Of course, in my positions, I still get my feel of politics and working with communities to achieve common goals, but the common thread in all I do is relationships.”

Later, Trammell pursued an education degree at the doctorate level at Northwestern University in Organizational Management and Communication to further his understanding of educational issues, policy and needs to aid in his position as President/CEO at the State YMCA of Georgia (Y Clubs), where he forms partnerships with schools.

In his position with the State YMCA of Georgia, Trammell continues to set policies, manage budgets, fundraise and friend-raise, work with boards and other constituent groups and lead the staff. As a result of the 15 years with the YMCA and his doctoral research, he founded the Georgia Center for Civic Engagement in 2014 in a response to the “civic literacy crisis” he saw in Georgia and across the United States.

“I started the organization to address that through providing opportunities for educators to get professional learning in civic/government as well as resources and to provide students with opportunities to experience government through simulations and other hands-on activities. Our reach for this work continues to grow and the State YMCA and Georgia Center for Civic Engagement work in tandem to accomplish those goals.”

Trammell also loves teaching, and his doctorate opens opportunities to teach at the college level and pursue potential educational leadership roles in the future. He describes himself as a lifelong learner and continues to support Reinhardt develop future generations of lifelong learners, as he spent eight years on the Alumni Board of Governors, serving as president for two of those years, and continues to serve on the President’s Advisory Council. When the chance to give back to his alma mater arose, Trammell didn’t think twice.

“I enjoy being a part of this group because I get to hear the exciting things, and sometimes challenges, facing the University and have the opportunity to offer input. I’m quickly approaching 20 years from when I started as a freshman and I still remember fondly my time ‘far up in the mountain azure.’ I want to ensure by my continued involvement that other students are fortunate to experience what I did at Reinhardt.”