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Lehigh Carbon Community College

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Students from anywhere in the country can benefit from Reinhardt University’s online degree completion programs. The Bachelor of Business Administration is one of these programs. This format offers flexibility to the working adult.

  • Six starts per year allowing a student to start at their convenience
  • Completely online
  • Ability to transfer in up to 90 semester hours of degree-level coursework
  • Unlike most universities, Reinhardt accepts transfer credits from Georgia technical colleges beyond a limited number of general education classes
  • Asynchronous environment for the student supported by instructor interaction and feedback
  • Online discussion forums for student interaction
  • Students entering the program without credit hours can start the process through the online associate in Business Administration degree program, and then roll into the bachelor program

Student Tina Croft recently wrote, “The adult online BBA program has been the biggest blessing and dream come true. Each class brought on lessons that related to things I was currently going through in my career or was about to go through. The classes are structured where it does not give you more than a working person can handle along with running a household and a family. If it wasn’t for the hybrid adult online degree schedule at Reinhardt, it would have taken me another two years to complete my degree.”
For additional information about the BBA or any of the other online programs, contact or Dr. Diane Cagle at Dr. Cagle is the BBA Program Coordinator, as well as an advisor and professor.