The Reinhardt University family gathered Tuesday to remember those in the University community who have gone from this Earth in the past year.
More than 50 attended the service of remembrance and hope held at the new Cascading Ponds Patio at Lake Mullenix. The service was led by the Rev. Timothy J. Emmett, pastor of Waleska United Methodist Church and the Rev. Dr. C.R. Hill Jr., spiritual health and education advisor.
Rev. Emmett spoke of the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and how those who are gone are not gone forever. He spoke of how when the family grieves, they grieve as believers who know that their loved ones are in heaven.
“We gather acknowledging that death hurts, death takes, death separates. It does cast a shadow,” Rev. Emmett said. “We may gather in the shadow of death, but we gather as those who know that although we grieve, we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We gather as those who believe … one day we will gather together as God’s people and we will dance on death’s grave because death will die and we will be raised to nevermore die.”
Rev. Emmett read aloud each name of the Reinhardt family members who have died in the past year.
Dr. Hill, whose wife Jackie Hill was one of the family members remembered, read his poem “Strive For The Long View,” which highlighted that life should be about living for eternity.
“O’ may we gathered here today, all heed their inviting cry, then set our souls for the longer view, where they with Jesus live on high.”
The list represents the names of the family members who died in the last year:
Erwin H. Aderhold
Paul Henry Anderson
Dr. Julian Andrew (Andy) Archer
Randall C. Bagwell
Betty A. Barge
Fred F. Boling
Robert E. Bridges
Christopher Chandler
Curtis A. Chapman
Brian Collett
Michael Collins
Billie Davis
Margaret T. Dobson
Richard J. Dowis
Jimmie Foxx Duncan
Carl C. Edge
Larry H. Eubanks
Donnie Haney
Evelyn L. Hayes
Jackie Hill
Wilson A. Hix
Elaine Hubbard
Marjorie H. Hubbard
J.R. Huddlestun
Kathryn Hutsenpiller
Lanier R. Ingram
Richard R. Jaeger
Allen O. Jernigan
Roy W. Johnson
Robert K. Kastl
Bill Kennedy
Robert E. Leonard
Harriett A. Lindsey
Clifford G. Long
Margaret Valero McPherson
Roger O. Miller
Wayne L. Mooneyhan
Quentin Omario Moses
Rickey J. Nealey
Judson Padgett Nelson
James W. Norton
Janeal Orr
Joan Padgett
Virginia C. Prather
Geraldine Katzen Radell
Rebecca Wood Ray
William Odell Riley
Virginia L. Robb
Judson Roberts
Garry W. Smith
Lovedia S. Snow
Bill D. Snyder
Houston P. Spencer
Hugh S. Spruill
Charles Teague
Eugenia Tucker
William Marcus Wallace
Hayden Whitaker
Reuben O. Wilson