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Lehigh Carbon Community College

By Jordan Beach 

Head shot photo of Dr. Tony Daniel, wearing a suit and tie, gray background

Dr. Tony Daniel

At a certain point in his life, Dr. Tony Daniel realized the success he achieved in life wasn’t fulfilling for him. After his own journey in discovering success through purpose, Daniel decided to share what he learned along the way.

“Succeeding On Purpose: Strategizing Your Success Through Finding and Living Your Purpose” is Daniel’s first book publication and tells of the importance of finding one’s purpose. The book shows readers how to find their purpose and ways to apply it in their lives.

“In the book, I discuss the concept of purpose and the benefits of finding it,” said Daniel. “I then provide a systemic process to help the reader find his or her purpose. The importance of this book is to help the reader understand and realize his or her success is based on this purpose and applying it to the world. I help the reader move from the paradigm of success to the realization of significance.”

Daniel, coordinator of Reinhardt’s Master of Business Administration program and associate professor of management and business, used his personal experiences as the book’s foundation. While others may have considered him successful, Daniel began questioning his place in the world and his contribution, setting him on the journey to search for his purpose.

“The deeper I looked, the more insight I found. Through this research, I talked with so many people that were working to exist without thinking they were making a difference or that they were doing what they were supposed to do. They had no concept of how to apply their strengths to find and live their purpose each day. I felt that I needed to tell this story, that when we live through purpose, we are most effective to the world.”

Unlike other books that touch on discovering purpose, Daniel goes beyond just the theme of purpose.

“I discuss it as a journey and outline the process of finding and using it to reach one’s destiny. Whereas most discuss the importance of purpose, I outline a specific set of goals and objectives to help the reader find it.”

“Succeeding on Purpose” can be found on Amazon,, and on Daniel’s website,