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Student filling out a scholarship form.

Request Info

Is your student not quite ready to apply yet? Please reach out to Reinhardt to get more information and ask deeper questions.

An Aerial photo of Falany Performing Arts Center in the early morning.

Visit Reinhardt

Experience the serene beauty of our campus, take a guided tour, and meet the friendly people who make RU a great place to live and learn.

Students and Parents attending a New Student Orientation.

Parent and Family SOAR Sessions

As part of our new student orientation, our SOAR Sessions help parents prepare their student and provides you with the tools to support their transition to college life.

New Student Orientation leader smiling.

Get Flight Ready!

We aim to support you and your student throughout their journey of becoming a Reinhardt Eagle. Our Flight Ready list will help you make sure you have completed all enrollment tasks required before your student starts their year at RU.

Academic Success

Your student will discover their passions, share their strengths, and experience an education that challenges their whole self with care.

Degrees and Programs

Now is the time for your student to do the real work for the good life. They can choose from 50+ areas of study with small class sizes so they get personalized education with individual attention to their interests and goals.

Academic Calendar

Stay in touch with key dates during the semester such as when classes start and end, tuition due dates, holidays, and other academic-related dates.

Paying for College

Financing a student’s education may be one of the biggest concerns—and most significant investments in their future—for parents and families. That’s why we strive to make financing as seamless and stress-free as possible.

Tuition and Fees

See how affordable college can be at Reinhardt. Explore our tuition, room and board, and fees, and then use our net price calculator to estimate out-of-pocket costs.

Financial Aid

We want Reinhardt to be as affordable as possible. You and your student will have a financial aid counselor who will guide you through the financial aid process and give you personalized assistance to help maximize your aid.

Support for Success

We’re here to make your student’s experience successful in and out of the classroom. Here are ways to help your student (and you!) connect, grow, and be supported during their stay at Reinhardt.

Connect with Student Services

Broaden Your Student’s Horizons
Participate and Show Your Eagle Spirit

Parent and Family Frequently Asked Questions

When and where does a student register for classes?

New students who are just starting get pre-registered with an advisor before their first semester begins, usually during New Student Orientation SOAR sessions.

A student already in school signs up for classes for the next semester around the middle of the current semester. They start by talking to their advisor about the available courses. The actual registration happens at the beginning of each term. Before finalizing their schedule, students need to get financial clearance. Registration is handled through EagleWeb.

Is every student assigned an advisor? How often should they meet?

When students start college, they get a first-year advisor to help them. After the first year, or if they choose a new major, they get a faculty advisor from that department. Students should meet with their advisor at least twice a semester and more if there are issues. Even if students still need to decide on a major, they still get assigned an advisor.

What is Drop/Add?

Once students register, they have one week to adjust their schedule by dropping or adding classes. After this period, they can’t add new courses, but if they need to withdraw from a class, they can still do that during the withdrawal period. Check the refund schedule for details about any financial implications of withdrawing after the drop/add period.

When does a student declare their major?

A student can declare a major at any time.

How can I know how my student is doing academically?

The best way to know is to ask your student. Mid-term grade reports are viewable in the student’s EagleWeb account around the 8th week of the semester. Final grades are also available on EagleWeb.

What career planning is available for students?

At Reinhardt, we help students plan their careers from the first year. Career Services can advise students on finding jobs and exploring different careers. They assist students with interviews, resumes, and much more.

About Student Life

Where do students attend church?

Many denominations are near campus. Several churches send shuttles to pick up interested students and return them after services. Others are active through campus organizations and plan special functions for interested students. More information about local worship choices is provided through the Campus Pastor.

How safe is the campus?

Reinhardt experiences very little crime. Reinhardt is patrolled by POST-certified law enforcement officers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Campus safety officers are also in direct contact with the Cherokee Sheriff’s Office, as needed. Additionally, all residence halls have doors controlled by card and key access. A resident assistant often makes rounds each evening, accompanied by a security officer. The campus is well-lit at night to increase visibility and safety.

Do most students have a vehicle on campus?

Many Reinhardt students have a vehicle, but it is not a necessity. Public transportation is very limited. Catching a ride with a friend is very common. Students who bring a car to campus are required to register the vehicle with the Office of Public Safety and park in their assigned zone.

What are the computer requirements?

Students don’t have to have a personal computer, but having a laptop is recommended. The university provides computer labs in various locations across campus and in the library. If your student has a computer, it just needs to be able to run a current internet browser, have Microsoft Office, and connect to Wi-Fi.

Can students connect their computers to the campus network from their rooms?

Yes, your student’s computer should connect as long as it can run an up-to-date internet browser, has current anti-virus software, and can connect to Wi-Fi.

Can students bring their wireless router to their rooms?

No, your student can’t use their wireless router. The university provides wireless internet in all residence halls and buildings. Personal routers, meant for home use, are not allowed because they can cause problems with other equipment on campus.

How are the residence halls and rooms cleaned?

Every weekday, the cleaning crew takes care of common areas in the residence halls, like hallways, lounges, and shared bathrooms. But, students need to clean their rooms and personal bathrooms. The staff doesn’t handle individual student spaces.

What laundry facilities are available on campus?

Each residence hall has a laundry facility. Washers and dryers are available to students for a fee.

What are the meal plans for students who live on campus?

Meal plans are required for all students living on campus. Meal plan selections are made during the housing selection process.

How can my student receive mail?

There’s no mail service on campus for students. If you want your student to get regular mail through the U.S. Postal Service, you’ll need to rent a post office box from the Waleska Post Office for a small fee. The post office is across the street from the Burgess Administration Building. If mail comes to the university, it will be returned to sender.

To reserve a PO Box online, visit

  1. Under Quick Tools, select Rent/Renew a PO Box
  2. Enter the Zip Code 30183 to find the Waleska Post Office
  3. Select Waleska Post Office
  4. Choose the size of the post office box and the time length you want to reserve, and click on Reserve Now
  5. At this point, you will need to create or log in to your USPS account
  6. Follow the instructions to pay for your rental with any major credit card
  7. Bring the printed form, your emailed receipt, and two forms of ID to the Waleska Post Office to pick up your key

About Student Health

If my student gets sick or injured, where should they go?

The university’s Student Health Center is located in Smith-Johnston Hall, providing easy access to all students. The Center is staffed on weekdays by a licensed nurse and a licensed counselor.

What immunizations and examinations must my student have to live on campus?

Every student, whether full-time or part-time, a first-year student or transfer, or have any other status, must adhere to the university’s immunization policy. This means they must provide certain health information to the Student Health Center before registering for classes. This information includes details about their health history, proof that they are immune to specific diseases like measles and chicken pox, and completion of a tuberculosis screening questionnaire.

Your student must check Reinhardt University’s immunization requirements and fill out the Student Health and Immunization Forms on Medicat. Your student can do this online by logging into the Medicat Patient Portal using Reinhardt credentials. Medicat is the system the Student Health Center uses for health records. Through Medicat, students can access forms and lab results, schedule appointments, and communicate with medical providers. Once their information is on file, they may register for classes.

Before your student completes their health and immunization records form in Medicat, make sure they have a photo of both sides of their health insurance card, immunization records, and the tuberculosis risk assessment form. If your student needs assistance with the TB Risk Assessment form, getting immunization records, or submitting the online health form, please schedule an appointment with the campus nurse.

  • Reinhardt University Student Health Form – Every new Reinhardt University student must fill out the Reinhardt University Student Health Form. This form gives the Student Health Center the necessary health details to follow state and federal laws and provide good health care while they’re a student. Additionally, they need to show proof of vaccinations for diseases like measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), varicella, tetanus, hepatitis B, and tuberculosis (TB). Ensure the Student Health Center has your immunization records before classes start.
  • Meningitis – In Georgia, rules say colleges and universities must share information about the risks of Meningococcal Meningitis with all students. The Reinhardt University Student Health Form has details about this disease. So, all students must either give proof of getting the Meningococcal vaccine or sign a waiver stating their understanding of the requirement, but they choose not to get vaccinated.
  • COVID19 Vaccination Status – We want to keep everyone safe from COVID-19. While getting the vaccine is not mandatory, it’s strongly recommended for students, faculty, and staff. We will ask students to show proof of vaccination or fill out a waiver. This helps the Student Health Center know how many people are vaccinated on campus to respond better to COVID-19 issues. Your vaccine status will be kept private and only used for general data reporting or if you need medical attention. You can declare your vaccine status through the Student Health Center’s Medicat platform in two ways:
    1. Proof of Vaccination or

Vaccination Exemption [medical, religious, or other personal reasons].

Will I be notified if my student needs medical attention?

We usually let you know if something major happens to your student, like a serious accident or illness requiring hospitalization. However, we expect your student will also talk to you about it.

If my student cannot attend classes due to illness, accident, or emergency, whom should I notify?

Students who cannot attend class because of illness, injury, or emergency should contact their professors via e-mail or phone and report it to the Student Health Center. Students absent from campus for several days (i.e., go home when sick) should also notify the Dean of Students, who will then inform the appropriate professors.

Where can my student go for help if things become overwhelming?

The Student Affairs Staff can help direct you or your student to the appropriate office, such as personal counseling, health services, career development, academic difficulties, job needs, roommate conflict, etc.