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Lehigh Carbon Community College

The Reinhardt University Department of Public Safety provides valuable safety and educational services to the University community. Our primary mission remains that of keeping our campus a safe place in which to live, work and study. We are committed to developing and implementing programs to reduce the opportunity for crime by specializing in using a problem solving, community-oriented philosophy toward crime prevention.

The Department of Public Safety is staffed by certified and trained law enforcement officers through the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. Our officers are first-line responders and have the power of arrest on University owned and controlled property.

The Department of Public Safety patrols campus by vehicle, bicycle and walking patrols on a 24/7, 365 day basis to prevent illegal activity, enforce University rules, monitor for suspicious activity, and provide safety, awareness and educational programs to the Reinhardt community.


See parking guidelines and apply for parking permits.

Emergency Alert System

Reinhardt University is now partnering with Rave Mobile Safety to provide the EagleAlert emergency alert system.  EagleAlert delivers important messages to Reinhardt and personal email addresses, as well as text (SMS) messages to cell phones.

Hazardous Weather Announcements and Closures

Reinhardt will operate on a normal schedule unless, due to hazardous weather conditions or other situations, our status is announced as “University Closed.”

“University Closed” means:

  • Classes are canceled.
  • Faculty/staff need not report to their offices.
  • All university events scheduled for that day (FPAC, Funk, athletic, student activities, alumni, etc.) are canceled.
  • Gordy Center and residence halls are open to feed/house residential students and staff unless otherwise specified.
  • Details will be posted to the Reinhardt University social media accounts and university wide email communication.

The status of all day classes* (Waleska/Main Campus) will be announced by 7 a.m. *Day classes are those that begin before 5 p.m.

If hazardous weather occurs during the day, a decision about evening classes* will be made and communicated by 3 p.m. *Evening classes are those that begin after 5 p.m.

How will you be notified regarding hazardous weather decisions?

EagleAlert message

EagleAlert messages will be sent to all of Reinhardt e-mail accounts and all other added e-mail addresses, cell phones.  Please be sure you have validated your information.

A notice regarding the decision will be posted on the official university social media accounts and email communication will be sent to the university community.

Resident students, faculty, staff & Waleska/Jasper Commuters:

You may monitor the following media for information on Reinhardt’s weather status for Waleska & Jasper:

  • WSB-TV Channel 2
  • WAGA-TV Channel 5
  • WXIA-TV Channel 11
  • WGCL-TV Channel 46
  • WLJA Radio (FM 101.1)
  • WSTR Radio (FM 94.1)
  • WSB Radio (AM 750/FM 98.5)
  • WCCV – Cartersville Radio (FM 91.7)
  • WRGA Radio (AM 1470)
  • Cherokee Tribune
  • Atlanta Journal Constitution
  • GPB TV
  • WABE Radio (FM 90.1)
  • WBHF Radio Cartersville (FM 100.3 FM & AM 1450)

Access Your RAVE Account

To check that your information is correct and/or to receive an EagleAlert via text or via an email different than your Reinhardt address, students, faculty, and staff must visit the EagleAlert sign in page.

  1. Open the EagleAlert sign in page:
  2. Click “Forgot your password?” beneath the Password blank.
  3. Enter your Reinhardt email address in the pop-up window within the space provided and click “Submit”.
  4. A temporary password will be sent to your Reinhardt email address.
  5. Use the temporary password to access and change your password to something secure but easy for you to remember.  You may want to make a note of it in a secure place.  You can reset the password at any time using these steps.
  6. You can now check your information and add your mobile numbers or additional emails. You can add up to three mobile numbers and up to two additional email addresses for yourself or your family members.  The first mobile number will need to be verified.

Emergency Management Guide

The Department of Public Safety at Reinhardt University is tasked with the responsibility of Campus Emergency Management through the Office for Student Affairs.

Through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Incident Management System (NIMS), an all-hazards approach to mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery is taken to continually strive for improvements to the University’s ability to continue the core mission of education while providing for the safety of all community members and property.

Make it your responsibility to fully understand your role and desired response(s) in case of an emergency. This quick guide gives suggestions on how to prepare for and respond to emergency situations at Reinhardt.

In Case of Emergency


Cherokee County Emergency Services, 8-911 or 911

Reinhardt Department of Public Safety, 5911 or 770-720-5911

Suspicious Object/Person


From a campus phone 8-911, then 5911.

Do NOT use a cell phone to call about a suspicious object!  The signal could cause an explosive device to detonate.

  • Do not touch or disturb the object, keep others away.
  • Notify your instructor or supervisor.
  • Be prepared to evacuate.


From a campus phone call RU Public Safety 5911.
From a cell phone call RU Public Safety 770-720-5911.

  • Do not physically confront the person.
  • Do not let anyone into a locked building/office.
  • Do not block the person’s access to an exit.

Armed/Violent Person

From a campus phone 8-911, then 5911.
From a cell phone 911, then 770-720-5911.

If Indoors:

  • Close and lock all windows and doors.
  • If you can do so safely, get on the floor and out of the line of fire.
  • If safe to do so, remain there for the “all clear” instruction.

If Outdoors:

  • If it is possible to flee the area safely and avoid danger, do so.
  • If flight is impossible, stay out of the line of fire and remain silent.
  • Wait for the “all clear” instruction.


  • Avoid—(person or area of disturbance)
  • Deny—(entry of threat to your area—close/lock/barricade door)
  • Defend—(if you must…prepare yourself to defend against an attack)

Power Outage/Gas Leak

Power Outage

  • Remain calm; provide assistance to others if necessary.
  • Move cautiously to a lighted area. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
  • Turn off and unplug computers and other voltage sensitive equipment.
  • For information about a prolonged outage, call Physical Plant at 770.720.5598.

Gas Leak

  • Call Public Safety, 5911 or 770.720.5911
  • Clear the area immediately, if instructed to do so by Public Safety.
  • Provide as many details as possible.
  • Leave all ventilation systems operating unless instructed otherwise by emergency responders.
  • Report to your building’s Outdoor Assembly Area to be accounted for.

Hazardous Materials/Flood/Water Damage

Hazardous Materials Release

  • Move away from the site of the hazard to a safe location.
  • Stay up-wind from the hazardous location.
  • Alert others to stay clear of the area.
  • Follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
  • Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed or have information about the release.

Flood and Water Damage

Avoid wet areas, be careful of electrocution hazards! If there is any possible danger, evacuate the area.

  • If there is no danger, call Physical Plant at 770.720.5598 and advise of the problem, including: location of the leak/flooding; severity; whether any valuables, art collections, or books are involved or threatened.
  • If you know the source of the water and are confident in your ability to stop it (i.e., unclog the drain, turn off water, etc.), do so cautiously.
  • Be prepared to assist, if directed to do so, in protecting University and personal property that is in jeopardy. Take only those steps that are needed to avoid or reduce immediate water damage: cover large objects with plastic sheeting; carefully move small or light objects out of the emergency area.


Remain calm.
Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
Evacuate the building.
Go to building’s Outdoor Assembly Area.


From a campus phone 8-911, then 5911.
From a cell phone 911, then 770-720-5911.

Do NOT use elevators.
Do not enter the building until all clear is given by emergency responders.

If caught in smoke:

  • Do not breathe the smoke.
  • Drop to your knees and crawl to the closest safe exit.
  • Breathe through your nose and use a shirt or towel to breathe through, if possible.

If trapped in a building:

  • Close all doors and windows
  • Wet and place cloth material around and under the door to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Attempt to signal people outside of the building. Call for help using a telephone or cell phone.

NOTE: In the case of a small fire, you may, if you have had the training, extinguish it with the nearest proper type fire extinguisher.  If you have any doubts as to whether you will be able to contain the fire, do not attempt to do so.  If the fire is too large to extinguish, or you think it may be, call 911 (8-911 from campus phone).


  • Remain calm.
  • Evacuate using the nearest safe stairs and safe exit.
  • Do NOT use elevators!
  • Gather personal belongings (medications, keys, purses, wallets, etc.), but only if safe to do so.
  • Follow directions given by emergency personnel.
  • Go to identified assembly points at least 500 feet from the affected building.
  • Assist persons with disabilities or injuries without jeopardizing your safety.
  • If you are unable to evacuate due to physical disability, go to a safe location (e.g., stairwell) and wait for assistance. Ask others to inform emergency personnel of your location and status.
  • If there is time: Turn off all electronics including computers (except in case of a leaking gas or other flammable substances).
  • Secure any hazardous materials or equipment before leaving.

Severe Weather/Tornado

If Indoors:

  • Move quickly to a safe interior area without windows (e.g., hallways, basements, restrooms).
  • Move to the lowest levels using stairways, NOT elevators.
  • If possible, close all doors as you leave an area.
  • Stay away from windows, doors, and exterior walls.
  • Do NOT go outdoors.
  • Do NOT activate the fire alarm, as this will cause people to go outside.

If Outdoors:

  • Get inside, if possible.
  • Stay away from trees, power lines, utility poles, and other hazards.
  • Curl up in a ditch or low-lying area; stay low to the ground; use your arms to protect your head and neck.

Tornado Watch means tornadoes are possible. Remain alert for approaching storms, and be prepared to seek shelter.

Tornado Warning means a tornado is imminent or has been indicated by Doppler radar or reported by storm spotters. Move to a place of safety (refer to Building Information sheet in this flip chart) immediately!

EagleAlert and Bell Tower Messages will be sent for Tornado Warnings.  However, do not rely on these as communications may be inoperable.

Do not call 911 (or 5911) unless you need to report an emergency, such as a fire, medical emergency or severe building damage.

Bomb Threat

Try to keep the caller on the phone. Be Calm, Be Courteous, Listen and Do Not Interrupt

Call Received __________________________  Call Ended: _____________________________
Date                          Time                  Date                              Time

Person Receiving Call _____________________________________________________________________
Name                                 Phone Number                         Department

Write Down Exact Wording of the Threat:



Listen while the caller talks and try to ask the following questions:

  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • Where is the bomb right now?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What does the bomb look like?
  • What will cause it to explode?
  • Did you place the bomb?
  • Why was the bomb placed?
  • What is your name?
  • What is your address?
  • Where are you calling from?
  • What is your phone number?
  • Are you calling from a pay phone?

Gender of Caller: _______  Impression of Age of Caller: ______

Caller’s Voice/Threat Language & Background Noises/Location (Circle ALL that apply):

  • Male, Female, Adult, Juvenile, Calm, Excited, Angry, Slow, Rapid, Soft, Loud, Normal, Distinct, Slurred, Laughter, Crying, Nasal, Stutter, Lisp, Deep, Breathing, Deep, Ragged, Cracking, Voice, Clearing Throat, Disguised, Foul Language, Well Spoken, Irrational, Incoherent Accent
  • Street, Noise, Voices, Music, House, Noise, Motor, Office, Factory, Dishes, Animal, Noise, Static, Phone Booth, Cell Phone, Long Distance, Taped

Did the caller seem to be reading the message?  YES / NO

Did the caller indicate knowledge of the campus?  YES / NO  Why? ______________________________

Was the voice familiar?  YES / NO  If so, whom did it sound like? ________________________________

From a campus phone 8-911, then 5911.

From a cell phone 911, then 770-720-5911.

Notify your supervisor, professor, resident assistant, or nearest University authority.

Building Information

The designated Indoor Assembly Area(s) in this building for sheltering in place/tornado/weather threat include:

In the event that you hear the fire alarm or must evacuate, all occupants of this room/building should go to the following location (Outdoor Assembly Area) if it is safe to do so:

Specific hazards/controls for this location include:

In an emergency, call 8-911 from any campus phone.

Call 911 from your cell phone or from off campus.

Do not use your cell phone in the building during a bomb threat.

Location-Specific Information

You are in Room Number _____ in ______________________

Building Coordinator _________________________________

Building Coordinator’s Number ________________________

Max Gruver Act Hazing Report

At Reinhardt University, we are committed to providing a safe educational environment for our students and student organizations. As outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, located in the Student Handbook, hazing is a violation of state law and is strictly prohibited by Reinhardt University both on and off campus. Violation of this policy may result in both disciplinary action and criminal charges.

In compliance with state and federal laws,  Reinhardt University will publicly disclose administrative adjudication of hazing or hazing related convictions. The law requires that institutions establish policies to facilitate the:

  • Reporting, investigation, provision of due process, and administrative adjudication of alleged incidents of hazing as related to students and student organizations; and
  • Public disclosure of administrative adjudications of hazing or hazing related convictions within 15 calendar days of final adjudication or public notice of criminal conviction and remain posted for a period of no less than five years.

Public disclosure shall not include the personal identifying information of any individual student and shall be subject to the requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Hazing Prevention Policy

Reinhardt University seeks to promote a safe environment where students may participate in activities, organizations, and athletic teams without compromising their health, safety, or welfare. It is therefore the University’s policy that hazing is prohibited. Hazing is not consistent with the mission of the University. The University will not tolerate hazing in any form and any acts of hazing by any organization, member, and/or alumni are specifically forbidden.

Hazing is defined by the University as any intentional, negligent or reckless action, activity or situation, occurring on or off campus, that endangers or is likely to endanger, the physical health of an individual or causes an individual pain, embarrassment, ridicule or harassment, as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in a student group, whether or not such a group is formally recognized by the University and regardless of the individual’s express or implied willingness to participate. Any act that interferes with regularly scheduled classes or academic pursuits of a student may also be defined as hazing.

As outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, located in the Student Handbook, hazing is a violation of federal and state law and is strictly prohibited by Reinhardt University both on and off campus. Violation of this policy may result in both disciplinary action and criminal charges.

Federal and State Laws on Hazing

Hazing is a violation of both federal and state laws.


Disclosures of Hazing Violations

In compliance with state and federal laws, Reinhardt University will publicly disclose administrative adjudication of hazing or hazing related convictions. Public disclosure shall not include the personal identifying information of any individual student and shall be subject to the requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Below is a list of university organizations and programs that have been found to be responsible for violating the hazing policy within the Student Code of Conduct. The Office of Student Affairs will provide regular updates to the campus community about organizations found responsible for hazing misconduct.

 Disclosure Report

Report Hazing!

Complaints or information concerning an alleged violation of the hazing policy should be reported to the Assistant Dean of Students or Director of Athletics. All reports will be taken seriously and handled in a confidential manner. Staff will investigate all complaints and take appropriate action upon confirmation of a violation. Click the Grievance Form to submit your report. We thank all those willing to join the fight to stop hazing in our community by reporting any acts of hazing that they may be aware of on our campus.