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Lehigh Carbon Community College

RTF Heading 2

RTF Heading 3

RTF Heading 4

Normal description goes here: Everything below this module is full width. Button styling can be seen below. First button is primary styling, second is secondary styling and third is tertiary styling. Users can create buttons using the shortcode. For secondary buttons, set the alt attribute to true and inverse to false. For tertiary buttons, set the alt attribute to false and inverse to true.

Primary ButtonSecondary Button

This is Full Image Style Multiple Callouts

The first callout is set to full width for the style field. The title and description fields for each callout is left empty. The link field is set.

Magazine Grid Multiple Callout


Some Heading Here

The first callout is set to text style for the style field. The title and description fields for each callout is left empty except the first one. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

The Reinhardt Difference



Cost of Attendance for One Semester



Of Reinhardt Students Receive Financial Aid



Low Student-to-Teacher Ratio for More Tailored Attention

Default Style Multiple Callout


Get Financial Aid and Scholarships

Our financial aid counselors help you navigate the process to secure the maximum aid for which you qualify.


Tuition and Fees

Discover how affordable RU can be and get your estimated cost of attendance with our net price calculator.


Get Financial Aid and Scholarships

Our financial aid counselors help you navigate the process to secure the maximum aid and scholarships for which you qualify.

RTF Sidebar Support

This is a Rich Text Field with Sidebar support. Sidebars are made through the sidebar custom post type. Simply click the ‘add sidebar’ button on the backend and choose your sidebar. Users can position the sidebar to the left or the right. In this example, the sidebar is positioned left.

Video RTF w Yellow Background

Rafael-2 1
Spotlight Pre-Header 1

Spotlight Title 1

This is a Spotlight style slideshow. This has a pre-header field, a title field, a description field, a link for each individual slideshow item and a primary link for the entire module. The link field is different for each slideshow item but the primary link will be the same for all items.

“The history program at Reinhardt University has been formative in both my personal and professional life. The skills I gained in writing, critical thinking, and identifying strong, credible source materials have been essential as I navigate the world around me. My professors were accessible for one-on-one guidance and supported projects outside the scope of the normal course curriculum.”

Madeline (Gray) Lara, History, Class of 2019, Cumming, Georgia